
Are You Struggling To Find The RIGHT Clinical System?

February 25th 2023

2 minutes read

Are You Struggling To Find The RIGHT Clinical System?
Written by LiveLink
February 25th 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Clinical Systems – Which is the Best for Me?

How many systems did you find when you started your search?  Ten, twenty – one hundred?

One thing is certain and that is you will never be spoilt for choice.  But which one is right for me?  And that’s the £10,000 question.

When you start delving into the bells and whistles of each system, that’s when your brain freezes over.  And then you start to look for a system based on price.  It all goes downhill from there.

This is NOT an area to scrimp and save.  This system is going to support and run your whole clinic.  And it needs to work for you.

I’m often found to be banging-on about this subject as I will repeat.  This sytems is going to support and run your whole clinic so ‘making do’ is not going to cut the mustard.

Free is free for a reason.  You will quickly find out that you’ve outgrown it and you need more.  And changing to another system can be time-consuming and expensive.

Let’s be honest, most of the systems will do pretty much the same thing.  Don’t be persuaded to purchase something that has features that you are never going to use.  If you’re not going to be taking photos of your patients for comparisons, you won’t need a system that has this facility.  If you’re never going to touch insurance healthcodes with the proverbial barge-pole, don’t be sucked in by a silver-tongued salesperson that you will need that facility.

Some systems will have bolt-on integrations rather than have the features incorporated and that might be fine for your clinic.  Or it might not. But this is something that you will need to take into consideration.

How we can help you

As you can imagine, the number of different systems we use on behalf of our clients is huge.  And over the 13 years we’ve been in business, we have seen some fantastic improvements and newer systems come into the market.  Everything from Cliniko to Jane App and Nookal to Pabau.

If you are confused and would like an objective opinion about what system would work for your practice, please ask us as we always love to help.  Click here and book a 30 minute slot with us for a chat.

Let us help you make the right choice.  As it is something that will run your clinic.

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