Are You Missing An Opportunity?
January 29th 2023
< 1 minute read

Are You Missing An Opportunity?
Last week, I was chatting with a client – just putting the world to rights as you do. He’s someone I’ve known for some time so we have an easy relationship and the conversation meanders, as they often do.
The conversation veered towards his clinic. He’s run a clinic for many years and he probably won’t thank me if I reveal just how many. And like many of us, he’s become comfortable and every month is pretty much the same. Saying that, he still has to put some thought into his marketing to find new patients.
I asked him when was the last time he contacted some of his old patients, because as he says ‘the issue doesn’t end when the pain ends’. So the obvious question to me was why isn’t he contacting the patients that he previously treated?
The answer to my question was that he hadn’t contacted them. I wasn’t surprised, as we are all focused on our marketing to find new patients and clients. We often forget about people that know us and have used our services already.
And it’s easy to contact your past patients and clients as you have their information at your finger-tips.
Consider sending them a friendly email to see how they are including an offer of a new service or product that they may not have had previously.
Finding new patients and clients is expensive and time-consuming. Re-engaging your old patients and clients is so much easier and there’s definitely money in your lists. So why not try for yourself?
My client and friend is.
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