
7 Ways to Find New Patients

March 4th 2023

2 minutes read

7 Ways to Find New Patients
Written by LiveLink
March 4th 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

7 Ways to Find New Patients

Finding new patients can be expensive.  Not all methods of finding new patients has to involve a ton of cash.  Here are a few ideas that might work for you.

  1. The best and first method is referrals from current patients.  This is very different from Word of Mouth as that relies on hope and chance.  To be honest, you may have more chance of winning the lottery.  A referral process that’s written down and most importantly, followed consistently will bring you in new patients consistently.
  2. Social media.  It’s not going away even though you may wish it would.  Creating engaging posts and share self-help tips as your content.  Make yourself the expert in your field and that will draw new patients to you.
  3. Local advertising: There is still space for advertising.  Particularly if your clinic is in a more rural area, then advertising in your local village magazine can be both effective and cost-effective.  You could consider local radio as that’s not as pricy as you may think it will be.
  4. Networking: Attend local events and conferences to meet potential patients and other healthcare professionals. Build relationships with local doctors, and other healthcare providers who may refer patients to your clinic.  Make alliances with your ‘competitors’ as you may be able to cross-refer to each other to help fill empty appointment slots.
  5. Direct mail: Send flyers or postcards to homes and businesses in your area. Make sure your marketing materials are eye-catching and include a clear call to action.
  6. Google My Business:  Make sure your Google My Business page is up-t0-date and keep it current.  It’s free and it’s Google so what’s not to love about it.
  7. Reviews: Reviews will be the first thing potential patients will see when they Google for your specific service.  The clinic with the most reviews will display first on the web page so make sure that’s you.  Develop a process to systemise collection of reviews.

By using a combination of these strategies, you will increase your visibility and attract new patients to your clinic.

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